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  dbrush Blizzardfest 2014
  噺据 噺据紫 左照羨紗
  鯵昔噺据亜脊 び 奄穣噺据亜脊
  焼戚巨 l 搾腔腰硲 達奄
稽益昔 馬獣檎
去系吉 斡君軒税 拙念税 奇越聖
左叔 呪 赤柔艦陥.
There is Always A Bigger Fish
Uploaded by leedh | 2007.09.07 | View : 3290

据沙聖 左叔凶, 亜錘汽 什滴継聖 詞側刊牽獣檎 崇送績 原滴亜 蟹展崖艦陥.
陥錘稽球亜 照吃井酔 神献楕 獄動 陥献戚硯生稽 企雌 煽舌 背左室推.
歳嫌 | /蝶遣斗/疑縦弘蝶遣
遂勲 | 1024X889 171 Kb
An idea I've wanted to make for a while now,lot's of strange creatures down in the deep
these fish were modelled in Max,textured in Z-Brush and then rendered in Daz Studio(Beta) using displacement & a bit of ambient mapping
chunghyungue | 2007-09-08
弘壱奄 糎鎧 巷七惟 持医革~せせせせ
chaos3306 | 2007-11-26
勧戚 鋼側鋼側~ *_*
sadock | 2008-09-01
宿背 焼瑛 革食 ^^
esimo1401 | 2008-09-23
差嬢研 持唖馬重闇亜?? 勧採歳聖 繕榎幻希 呪舛馬檎 巷獣廃 雨弘戚 添持拝牛.. 緋.. 悌薫..;
什透巨神 尻衣快奄
背 爽室推