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  dbrush Blizzardfest 2014
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Worth enough?, Radoslav Zilinsky
Uploaded by chunghyungue | 2008.01.28 | View : 2903

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Title: Worth enough?
Name: Radoslav Zilinsky
Country: Slovakia
Software: 3ds max, Photoshop, VRay, ZBrush

Hi there,
first I want you to check out the hi-res, because this image was done primary for closeup looking. But I take care also about the overall "shape".

¾öû³­ ÀÛÇ°À» º¸¾Ò½À´Ï´Ù....
½Ç·Î ´«ÀÌ Àǽɽº·´³×¿ä,.,,,
chunghyungue | 2008-01-28
À̰͵µ º¸½Ã¿À!!¤Ì.¤Ì

chunghyungue | 2008-01-28
À̰͵µ º¸½Ã¿À!!¤Ì.¤Ì

chunghyungue | 2008-01-28
À̰͵µ º¸½Ã¿À!!¤Ì.¤Ì

chunghyungue | 2008-01-28
À̰͵µ º¸½Ã¿À!!¤Ì.¤Ì

bluecat | 2008-01-31
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